Information in other languages

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Information in other languages

You can read the information on this website in another language.

Using the translation function on your computer  

If you are viewing the website on a computer, you can use a special translation function. This translates the information into one of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, German, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Ukrainian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish or Swedish.


  1. Go to the website page that contains the text you want to read in another language.
  2. Select the text to be translated.
  3. A small pop-up menu will appear automatically with 'Translate' as the bottom option. Click on this.
  4. You will then see a list of languages. Choose your language.
  5. The translation will be displayed in a separate dialogue box.
  6. When you have finished reading, click this window to close it and select another piece of text to translate.

Using a translation function on your smartphone

If you are looking at the website on your smartphone, you should use Google Translate.

  1. Go to the page you want to read in another language.
  2. Activate the translation function.
  3. A Google Translate pop-up menu will appear at the bottom of the page. Tap the three dots and go to 'More languages'.
  4. If you don't have this option on your smartphone, select the text to be translated. Select the 'Translate' option in the small pop-up menu.
  5. Choose your language.
  6. You will then be able to read the text you are viewing in the language of your choice.

Unfortunately, documents saved as PDFs on the website cannot be translated.

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